What cheered you up today?

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Somebody knew i liked warbirds:lol:

I happen to live right under numerous flight paths for the local airfield. They have a Mustang and various other trainers. No doubt it was from there. Lovely rumble those radials make could hear them for miles. I heard them come back however they were above the clouds:cry:
i got fired, no. wrong thread!

i finished a big illustration of an f/a-18 superhornet today. about a3 size i guess... and to say its finished... :)
It's a nice day out here too. I have off. I have off almost every day now because I'm waiting to take a class before I do forms and tactical low levels, which is annoying because I might have to wait 2 more weeks, and I only have 12 flights left.
Yowza! Avoided a 2 month business trip overseas...Too old for 2 months
alone in a crap hotel, and I never get sent to places like Sweden or New Zealand, it's always to countries that still use squat toilets and race camels.
There's no place like home!
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