What do you think this was?

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C-130 tanker version ? AFAIK the outboard stations are the refuelling stations and between the engines is an external fuel tank.
No it wasn't- it was swamp gases reflecting off a weather balloon :lol:
HAHA!! :lol:

So I was thinking maybe it was that Russian type: the AN-22. Is it possible that one of those was flying over America? It's bigger than the C-130 right?
Hey, I just saw something that might explain the 6 contrails.
Go to this URL and look at the picture of the four engined aircraft

It's A Weird and Dangerous World - Chemtrails

Even though this is a page about a conspiracy to poision us with contrails :lol: this picture definatly shows contrails coming out of a non-engine area. I don't know what they are (which probably spawned the conspiracy :lol: ) but maybe your mom saw a normal quad engined aircraft with wing tanks emitting some of these wierd contrails?
Interesting (and amusing) find Flyboy2. Those are definitely not coming out of the engine and might have a hand in explaining the aircraft my mom saw.

The site itself I found hilarious! All these theories and conspiracies...can people be anymore paranoid?! I bet they believe there is a government conspiracy behind the sun rising :lol:

Oh well, in cases like this, one man's fear is my entertainment :lol:
Hi Velius,

>Based on the description, it sounds close to a EC-130H, perhaps mistaking the outboard wing tanks (if that's what they are) for engines.

Thinking of this thread I recently took the picture below, which shows a C-130 with tanks between inboard and outboard engines, making it look very much like a 6-engined aircraft ...


Henning (HoHun)


  • DSC03571_bearbeitet-1.jpg
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Certainly sounds like a Herc. And the 'contrails' could be, as already mentioned, just vapour due to altitude/humidity. Or perhaps even fuel dumping?
I know when I've seen RAF Hercs at low level, say on approach, or para-dropping, the exhaust trails, mixing with condensation vapour from the wing tanks or flaps, due I presume to pressure generation because of angle of attack, can often make it look like 3 trails per wing.
I think our little mystery is solved- mum looked at the pic and sure enough, this is what she said she saw. Great pic!

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