1st Lieutenant
Typical bomb load was only 250 kg and the Val dive bomber was poorly protected against ground fire. It could bomb accurately but why bother if you cannot carry at least 1,000 lbs on a typical mission? Rudel destroyed a Soviet battleship at Leningrad during 1941 with a 1,000 kg bomb. That 250 kg Japanese bomb would have bounced off the deck armor.
What would happen during 1942 if IJN dive bombers carried 1,000 kg bombs?
- Coral Sea.
CV Yorktown suffered significant damage (required drydock) from a 250 kg bomb. A 1,000 kg bomb might sink Yorktown. Even if it didn't the damage would be much worse causing it to miss the Battle of Midway.
- Eastern Solomons.
CV Enterprise hit with three 250 kg bombs which caused serious damage. Three 1,000 kg bombs would almost certainly have put Enterprise on the bottom of the Coral Sea.
- Santa Cruz.
CV Enterprise hit with two 250 kg bombs. Make then 1,000 kg bombs and CV Enterprise would be in serious trouble.
BB South Dakota was hit by a single 250 kg bomb which bounced off the deck armor. A 1,000 kg bomb would have penetrated. Then it's a matter of luck which compartment the bomb is in when it explodes. In any case South Dakota will have significant damage.
CLAA San Juan was hit by a single 250 kg bomb which caused moderate damage. A light cruiser isn't heavily armored so a 1,000 kg bomb is going to hurt.
Of course the effects are cumulative. If CV Yorktown is sunk or seriously damaged at Coral Sea the USN might not defend Midway. If the USN defend Midway with only two CVs Japan might win the battle.
If the USN doesn't win at Midway there probably won't be a Guadalcanal invasion until CV Essex enters service during 1943.
What would happen during 1942 if IJN dive bombers carried 1,000 kg bombs?
- Coral Sea.
CV Yorktown suffered significant damage (required drydock) from a 250 kg bomb. A 1,000 kg bomb might sink Yorktown. Even if it didn't the damage would be much worse causing it to miss the Battle of Midway.
- Eastern Solomons.
CV Enterprise hit with three 250 kg bombs which caused serious damage. Three 1,000 kg bombs would almost certainly have put Enterprise on the bottom of the Coral Sea.
- Santa Cruz.
CV Enterprise hit with two 250 kg bombs. Make then 1,000 kg bombs and CV Enterprise would be in serious trouble.
BB South Dakota was hit by a single 250 kg bomb which bounced off the deck armor. A 1,000 kg bomb would have penetrated. Then it's a matter of luck which compartment the bomb is in when it explodes. In any case South Dakota will have significant damage.
CLAA San Juan was hit by a single 250 kg bomb which caused moderate damage. A light cruiser isn't heavily armored so a 1,000 kg bomb is going to hurt.
Of course the effects are cumulative. If CV Yorktown is sunk or seriously damaged at Coral Sea the USN might not defend Midway. If the USN defend Midway with only two CVs Japan might win the battle.
If the USN doesn't win at Midway there probably won't be a Guadalcanal invasion until CV Essex enters service during 1943.