What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (8 Viewers)

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"Devotion" based on Adam Makos' book about the Korean War friendship of naval aviators Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown. I was acquainted with Tom who contributed to two of my books. A grand gent.
I saw it was available on either Netflix or Amazon Prime, can't remember which, and I gave it a pass because I figured it'd be "updated" for a "modern" audience.

I noticed you watched it but didn't say if it was any good or not, your thoughts would be appreciated before I give it a try. Thanks.

BTW, my recent viewing was binge watching season 2 of "Supernatural" with the youngest daughter, it's one of her favorites. Not my total cup of whiskey but it is/was well written and pretty tongue in cheek a lot of the time. Besides, she'll be off to college all too soon so gotta' take those moments when they come.

Devotion is very well done. I completely enjoyed it.

I love Supernatural too. My wife and I watched them all.
When I first read about Brown and Hudner way back in the '70's I imagined a movie with Sidney Poitier as Brown and Rock Hudson as Hudner.

Devotion was very well done, however, and I will see it a third time over the weekend.
The Critical Drinker gave it a thumbs up lol and I have heard it's very true to events. It's worth a watch.
Last of the Mohicans (again). Blast from the past! Fort William Henry's just a hoot 'n a holler 'n 'cross the mountains from here, just down the pike from Crown Point 'n Fort Ticonderoga, 'n just shy of Saratoga battlefield. Love those long rifles! The Making of... video is near as good as the movie itself.

Great movie. One of my all time favorites. I used to live near where the movie was filmed in North Carolina. In the final scenes they had to position the actors just right so you did not see the state and US flags on Chimney Rock. A scout leader of mine was a re-enactor and was an extra in s few scenes.

I love the score and soundtrack too…

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8BxDpOu3cD0&pp=ygUgbGFzdCBvZiB0aGUgbW9oaWNhbnMgZmluYWwgc2NlbmU%3D
Great scenes, but a bit of a stretch in places. With plenty of trees around to brace against, he chooses to shoot offhand for the coup de grace for the Lieutenant, and the panflashes on these longrifles are much tamer than mine are. Three grains of FFFFG definitely gets your attention. And that running double shot beggars the imagination. Awesome music and cinematography. The Gael shivers the spine. If you ever come north, you should visit William Henry, Ticonderoga, borrow my sailboat, and overnight in Arnold's Bay on Valcour Island. Living history land.
One of my favorite all time movies and also one of my favorite scenes, starting at 7:21 of the clip you embedded. Hawkeye and his father Chingachgook avenge Uncas' death. Mr. Badass Magua lasts about what? 20 seconds? Absolutely the best "you're nothing but a pretender punk" move.

After all, Magua has been the Billy Badass of the movie that everyone is afraid of and Chingachgook takes about 5 seconds to say "eff that bub, I'll show you BADASS" and sends him on his way. Also the symbiosis between Hawkey and his father, Chingachgook pays no attention to anyone but Magua as he knows Hawk has his back and will "remove" any threat so he can stay focused on the target.

God I love this movie.

Also, the best way to watch this movie is with high quality headphones, the sound and as you say, the score is amazing.
This movie is in my top five, absolutely love it. Seeing Russell Means as Chingachgook running up the mountain to kill Magua I was amazed at how old Russell Means was when this was filmed. I thought Wes Studi stole the show as Magua. And to top it off, Cooper wrote the story based on the adventures of Daniel Boone. Or at least that's what I read.

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