What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Knives Out. Finally watched it - murder/mystery is not a genre I'd normally be interested in, but all the hoopla, and the stellar cast, persuaded me to give it a look. It was clever (but not in a 'Oooh, look at me! Aren't I clever?' kinda way.....) and entertaining. I checked with a real, live American friend - Daniel Craig's accent was pretty good
As I have some enforced resting time after my operation (discussed on other threads) I am re-watching all of Star Trek: Picard
I offer the following as an FYI to those who may not be aware:

The complete run of the Farscape television series is streaming on the Shout! Studios channel on YouTube.

For any Ray Harryhausen fans, the full movies of Mysterious Island, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, First Men in the Moon, and It Came from Beneath the Sea can be found on the Voyage channel on YouTube.

On the Voyage channel you can also watch 1964's Fail Safe.
A Guy Named Joe - 1943. Good for period aircraft if one overlooks the P-51As with black crosses (which made them superior to all other Allison engined Mustangs) pretending to be 109s and Martin B-26s making like G4Ms. Of course, one must hide your eyes when they sink the German carrier and destroy a Japanese ammo dump with a P-38 and two bombs. Still, it is good to see early Groundhogs, P-38s, B-25s actually running.

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