What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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After watching Masters Of The Air I started on a Band Of Brothers re-watch, currently on episode 5 ... the sound design on the show is just incredible. It holds up so well in a lot of regards.
I rented "Openheimer", and got about 30 minutes into it before getting really bored, so ditched it.
Way over rated I thought.
I'm hoping there is something to this.
Funny tho, he went to a lecture given by Heisenberg?
The subject of "the Catcher Was A Spy"
Fortunately Oppie is on N-Flix here.
tbf there was a bit of a dearth of good shows imo at the beginning of the year; have yet to watch Shogun, though, which is getting high praise everywhere
There are two movies my wife won't watch and I think are masterpieces …Dr. Strangelove and Catch 22. She won't watch either one. As a Vet, I think they're hilarious and possibly foretelling. Yep! "We must not allow a mine-shaft gap,"

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