What job will P38_Pilot have in the Army in 10 years.

What is P-38_Pilots Army job.

  • Army Seamstress

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commanders Coffee Maker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toilet Bowl Licker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helicopter Pilot (have to put a couple of real ones in)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infantry (look above for explanation)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Punching Bag for the Infantry to train on.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Potato peeler.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some gay guys boyfriend. (I know dont ask dont tell)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will not make it out of Basic Training.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the Above Please Enter Below

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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P38 Pilot said:
Whoa! A whole thread dedicated to me! You guys shouldnt have!

Infantry, hmm, that sounds like something i would do but where is the option of Air Cavalry or National Guard?

Well keep this thread alive because i want to know your opinions!

Because it is a joke P38 not meant to be serious that is why there are all those things like coffee maker and such not.

And by the way National Guard is not a job, how many times do I have to explain that to you. :D
If you want a serious opinion 38 pick something that can be applied in civvie street military service can be short lived and you need something to fall back on when you leave. I have a few acquaintance's who came out of the forces with such use full trades as Amour-er and Gunners mate the ones who came out with technical skills such as Adlers means he has a trade that will see him through too retirement. One guy I used to know was a PTI and all he could get was a poxy instructors job in a Gym yet a fella who works with me was a Chief engineer PO on HMS Endurance and he has only been with us for 3 years but he has leapt up the grades and is way above me.
I'm thinking of threads for you others, don't you worry!

And I said toilet bowel licker, 'cos we all know 38'll love doin' that.

In British military air defence is the Air Force job, that's what the RAF Regiment are supposed to be doin' - but they're mostly used as elite infantry units.

Good advice, Lee. I did communications and security systems in the AF and the training I received definitely helped me on the civilian side. Glad I did too, because the first couple of years I thought about making it a career. The last 12-18 months are what changed my mind and made me glad I picked something applicable to civilian life.
Parmigiano said:
Potato peeler : considering your attitude to 'first shoot then ask' is better they wait that you cool down before giving you something with a trigger!

Well, if we trust Les' advice on the Marines, I think P-38 Pilot whould fit perfectly in the USMC, for that reason in particular...
Apocalyspe Now was WIERD. First they are traveling down river and the next thing to happen is that their with the natives!! My favorite Nam movies are Hamburger Hill, Full Metal Jacket, We Were Soldiers, and Platoon.
I didn't see any of the Hamburger Hill, We Were Soldiers, and Platoon movies, since they're hardly to be achieved here. Just maybe in some DVD rental office.......
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I loved Apocolypse Now. All time classic.

My brother (2 tour Viet Nam Vet) says in his opinion this movie was the most authentic Viet Nam movie as far as the chaos and confusion. After he saw it he had his recurring nightmares comeback
Yeah but what about We Were Soldiers? I have actually met the Lt.Colonel who was in charge of the men fighting there. He's a great guy, always put the men 1st before anything else.

Now here's Hamburger Hill. I think Hamburger Hill is realistic. I had a Cousin to fight there. He doesent talk about it much, but my other cousin who also fought in Vietnam is going to get him.

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