What was the last thing you ate? TWO!!!

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just had three chicken Flauta's with rice and beans with my Babe'.

think I'm gonna puke ! :scrambleup:

E ~
I ate the nasty of the nasty this morning. I have 24 hour duty at work today and did not want to make a mess for my wife to clean up when she gets home from school today so I stopped by the Burger King on post and got some Bacon Egg and Cheese Crosaints.

Fast Food sucks!
Going tonight with my wife to the Alt Deutsche Bier Stube to drinks some good German beer with some of our friends and eat some good home cooked Frankische Specialties from this region of Germany.

It is a very nice place. It is a typical German building with the wooden beams and on the inside everything is made of wood. You sit on benches and wooden tables and they have a nice big fire place going. Really great place to go especially at this time of the year when it is foggy and cold outside.

Not sure what I am going to eat but deffinatly someting wild.
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