What was the last thing you ate? TWO!!!

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i'm sure your aware of the really obvious joke there so i wont bother :lol:

ummm, some bourbon creams............
Last night had a good dinner. We went to a restaurent in the town where we live to have Christmas Dinner with our friends since we will all be with our families on Christmas eve and day. It was called the Schwarzes Bock or Black Buck in English. Good wild Bavarian specialties.
Man I admire wild.......

It doesn't have to be often but sometimes i get myself deer or something.......

currently I finished Pretzels, Chicken Soup and Carrot Salad :D
The Enchiladas were too spicy for me. Normally they are just right but somehow they were too spicy. My wife thought they were too spicy also, so we ordered a pizza in the end.
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