What was your first model?

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1st Lieutenant
Jan 1, 2012
north carolina
I couldn't find a thread starter like this, but if there was one, apologies.
Just interested in hearing about the first model you guys ever built. Alone or with help.
My brother bought me an Aurora F4B to keep me quiet about the cop car he backed into.
It worked, and I still love those yellow wings!
Oh, I remember that first model well. Had to do a 1st grade project that required doing a report and demonstration with visuals in front of the class. Thought long and hard and finally decided to build a model. It was a 1/32 Revell P-40 done up in the markings of the AVG. Did a report on the AVG and the aircraft they used. That's what started it all, before then I really had little interest in aircraft.
my 1st kit was a airfix gloster meteor in 1/72nd bought from Woolworths with vouchers,i still have it somewhere packed away
My first kit was a Revell 1/32 P-40 back in mid 70's. Saw one of them at a model show a couple of months ago.
My first was an Airfix Folland Gnat in Red Arrows colours in about 1975, I'm sure it crashed at some point.
My first build was a Guillows rubber powered, balsa/tissue "Art Chester Racer". Probably had a wingspan of about 12 inches. This model was recommended to me because the fuselage only had two formers (or ribs), both between the windshield and the prop. This was probably somewhere around 1943-44. I don't remember what happened to it, but it got me started.

My first scale plastic build was the Rufe I did for GB # 13.

That 1/32 P-40 was a great model, had the engine, removable panels, sliding canopy, movable control surfaces and the gear would retract, right?
My first "model" was not an airplane.

It was when I was 10-11 or so. My uncle, 12 years older, had taken a drafting class in high school, architecture. I found a "white line blue print" of a small house he did for class. At the time there was a bloke in the neighborhood who built wire control planes of balsa and paper in his garage, it was here I learned of balsa. I went out and bought lots of balsa sticks and promptly began to build my house, 2x4 by 2x4. My step father thought it was a waste of time. Came home from school one day and it was in a heap. My 2 year old half brother was let into my bedroom, need I say more. Took the hobby to my grandmothers house, where the little sh!ts couldn't get to me. It was from there I built cars, I think a '56 Lincoln, or the batmobile was my first. But I do remember a PBY.

Back into it in my 40's, after my separation, to keep my sanity. And now in my retirement to do the same.

But then I found you guys.................. Ha.
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The old blue plastic 1/72 scale Spitfire from Airfix. It cost two bob or ten pence in "new" money. My little brother had to make do with the Hurricane which at the time,though not now,I didn't think was anywhere near as cool as the legendary Spitfire :)
This was when model kits could be bought in the UK from local stores (Daliwell grocers in my case!) and cost,literally,pocket money. I'm sure many of you too remember when we didn't have social media,computer games,1000 TV channels etc.
my first kit was wooden constructor a small fishing company, call it in my mother tongue "trainera", translated trawler. was 8 when it would start and it would end nearly two years after, I'm the cousin of my father in memory of those two years together.
my first plastic mold was in the same era that comment with eight years since I remember whole life meaning and memories of my grandfather brings me just say his name, a Heinkel He 111 H22 to 1/144, and all these years I have not mount another Heinkel 111 as anecdotal note
My first "model" was not an airplane.

It was when I was 10-11 or so. My uncle, 12 years older, had taken a drafting class in high school, architecture. I found a "white line blue print" of a small house he did for class. At the time there was a bloke in the neighborhood who built wire control planes of balsa and paper in his garage, it was here I learned of balsa. I went out and bought lots of balsa sticks and promptly began to build my house, 2x4 by 2x4. My step father thought it was a waste of time. Came home from school one day and it was in a heap. My 2 year old half brother was let into my bedroom, need I say more. Took the hobby to my grandmothers house, where the little sh!ts couldn't get to me. It was from there I built cars, I think a '56 Lincoln, or the batmobile was my first. But I do remember a PBY.

Back into it in my 40's, after my separation, to keep my sanity. And now in my retirement to do the same.

But then I found you guys.................. Ha.
Can"t blame us for your sanity, or lack there-of!

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