What's on The Workbench

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Haven't got as much done as I wanted the last couple of weeks....workload is out the window, off the charts!

(Completely and utterly useless management doesn't help either!)

View attachment 789005

Take it easy, Pal. ;)

More on the P-47 Тандерболт. Sprayed gear wells and gear covers YZC. I thought I would be smart and glue the inner gear covers in place to save paint removal for gluing. I glued one in and let it set hard and then realized that I hadn't sprayed the outside Neutral Grey yet and would be a pain in the keester to try get good coverage with both in place. Not a problem as I need to spray a few Neutral Grey touch-ups; must remember to be like Andy and Gloss coat the bottom to protect it from scratches

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