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Jul 13, 2020
Massachusetts, USA, Earth
Hi all!
I am a new member and am just curious, when did this forum open, and who were the founding members? I look forward to future aircraft discussions, thank you :)
Hi all!
I am a new member and am just curious, when did this forum open, and who were the founding members? I look forward to future aircraft discussions, thank you :)
Welcome aboard!

The forums have been around since 2004 and not sure of all the founders, but I'm pretty sure Horse is one of them.
Some of the old-timers would know better than me, I've only been here since 2008 :thumbleft:
and you, in turn, have provided plenty of food for thought ever since.

Welcome Contrails16. Stick around and you will learn much, and see the odd verbal fisticuffs
Ahaha, well I'm 21 now and never quite got the opportunity to enjoy old school message boards and forums while growing up, but now that I have found one that pertains to my interests and is still active, I'm more than happy to partake in all the fun 😂

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