When did you first become interested in Warbirds?

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Doughboy, thanks for creating the new thread and can you remove the first alinea on the new thread and substitute the one I suggested in my previous message? I can't edit your messages, of course.
Well I would have made one properly for you fass (since I have the ability to move posts and what not), had doughboy not tried to do so...

Anything else you would like to do doughboy?
Oops, am I glad I did not try to do anything myself and did suggest "Oberschwarzmann" create the thread... As your powers are apparently unlimited, dear Eagle, would you please also add the sentence:

I was born in 1934 and experienced WW2 living in The Netherlands (Holland), which was occupied by Nazi Germany from May 1940 to May 1945.

at the beginning of the new thread? Then I can safely start scribbling. Heaven knows whether anybody will look at that thread. For those who join this thread later: the new thread is to be found under:
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What does "Oberschwarzmann" mean.... Does it mean Der Crewchief?

I will make you a proper thread as soon as I have more time later tonight.

What does "Oberschwarzmann" mean.... Does it mean Der Crewchief?

No it does not mean Crew Chief. I will be honest, I have no clue what he means by it.

Oberschwarzmann litterally translates to Upper Black Man...
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Dear Fass,

Welkom op het forum
Being a Dutchman myself, I'm rather interested in your story. However I can't seem to find your thread
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In WW2, aircraft mechanics in the Luftwaffe were called "Schwarzmänner" ("BLACK MEN"), see, for instance:
The Bf109 In Wartime Color- Ostfront (nice video of a crew cleaning a Bf109).
Perhaps because they always had dirty hands, but it may be possible they wore black overalls.
So my "Oberschwarzmann" was a pun on Crew Chief, with some poetic licence...
A wingman in the Luftwaffe was called a "Kaczmarek" and it seems nobody knows where that came from. Lots of references on the web!
Marcel: I think you can find it now, I will add to it this weekend.
Happy landings, all!
Yes, that's what I thought, but with redoubtable correspondents like we have here on this thread, I thought it better to incorporate some reservation... The problem is that I could not find a colour picture of them in overall, the colour pics I have all show them semi-nude...
IIRC German crewmen were called "Schwarzmänner" - slang for the black clothing they wore. I don't think it was used in a derogatory way.
I never took it in a derogatory way. I was just unaware of it...

You learn something new every day.

Fass I will set up your thread now that I have time.

fass I have just done so, but unfornately I lost some of your posts in the process. I am sorry for whatever inconvenience this may have caused.
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My dear Adler, the situation is MUCH worse: two hours ago I could find my Personal Recollections thread, but it now seems to have vanished altogether... Or it's on page 113... If I click on the link in Catch 22's message, I get a message saying that it's not a valid link...
Could you post a link to your thread on THIS "when did you..." thread so I can find it?
Don't worry about the "lost posts" (sounds like Last Posts), I have saved my stuff and can re-post. Only you may have lost the other guys' posts as well?

But herewith I demote you solemnly to Unteroelwechsler...

Marcel are you still with us?
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That is because your thread is located here:


Things like this happen when people who do not know what they are doing (doughboy, even though he was only trying to be helpful) try to take matters into their own hands and play moderator or site admin. It is best to wait for one of us to take care of it. In the end your thread would have been started and would have been done so correctly.

In the process of combining doughboys thread and your posts and making corrections, I lost the thread and posts.

Also, you will not demote me to anything...
Adler you have now been re-promoted to your original rank...

And by the way, none of my messages implied ANY criticism of you, so no explanation in defence is needed. I only know too well what glitches happen in the digital world...

Reconstruction of the thread will be done soon.
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