Which 1/72 HEINKEL He111 H6?

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I agree with Wojtek.

I'm currently finishing Italeri's H6 and to be honest it does show its age.

I also have Italeri's H-6; nice molding, but it does have raised lines. Does the Revell kit have engraved lines? I'm always a little careful about buying Revell kits because you don't know where the molds came from - old Revell, old Matchbox, or new tooling.

I was under the impression that the revell kit was the Italeri kit

Am I wrong?

If it is the Italeri kit, I wouldn't be surprised. That was my point about Revell - they repackage and reissue some many models it's hard to keep track.

Here declas for Revell and Italeri He 111H-6


  • Revell_He111H_decal.jpg
    53.7 KB · Views: 357
  • Italeri Heinkel-He-111H-6 decal.jpg
    Italeri Heinkel-He-111H-6 decal.jpg
    45.8 KB · Views: 167
I also think the Revell kit is a re-boxed Italeri, possibly with some re-tooling, and also, as Wurger has shown, very good decals. At the time of issue, the Italeri kit was the best 1/72nd Heinkel III available.
That's probably because of the limited decals, and I do think that Revell have corrected a couple of small errors, and improved other areas. I have a magazine article about this somewhere, from 2 or 3 years ago, maybe more.
I agree with Airframes.The Revell kit can be much better.And there are much more markings at your dispossal.
In defense of the Italeri kit (which I built in the '70s), it comes with figures that are absolutely the best I've ever seen in 1/72 scale.

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