Which modern nation has highest potential in aerospace?

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Asymetrical warfare is what they're talking about.

And everytime someone thinks they know the solution to defeat the US, they get a lesson and occasionaly get thrown on the scrapheap of history.
Roger that, syscom3. The chinese have proven to be adept at leapfrogging technology and reverse engineering current technology. Current estimates put China as world power number one in anywhere from ten to twenty years quantitatively and qualitatively.
Of course thats assuming that the US and other western nations dont do anything in the meantime. Japan also has a very advanced military.

The PRC is decades away from being a world military power (it will be a regional power though). If anything, the PRC seems to be eternally arming itself for the last war.
BAE made the wings on gripen have to corect my self.
i'll be buggered if i can read through that now... but as far as front pages go that's pretty sweet :lol:

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