Which side would you fly for?.......

Which side would you fly for?

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I would fly for the Luftwaffe... very interesting planes, fought everywhere (from Polar Sea to Africa Sahara...). Besides that, they had nice uniforms and decorations. Don´t you think?;)



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Nope many differences anyway... First of all they flew different military aircraft (the most important) and secondly they were different they wore different uniforms and they killed each others in different ways... Come on dude we've beeen talking on this for about 20 pages don't question the question!!! I feel so bad now...
bronzewhaler82 said:
I think we guys should go on some sort of crusade to find some German and Japanese people for this site - everyone seems to be from England, NZ, Australia or the US - there don't seem to be many (or any) from any of the Axis nations...seems a bit unfair really - we need some real Axis nations plus i for one would be really interesed to see what they have to say about the whole thing....

what the hell are these emiticons doing?


Is it what i think.....? :oops:
Mein gott! it iz! :shock:
cheddar cheese said:
I wouldnt say the 262 was one of the best fighters, planes like the 190D and Ta-152H would have beem much better for the germans at the end of the war.
ermm... why? I mean the whole point of having a jet that is superior to everything else is... to use it! Otherwise they would have produced lots of fw 190s like you said. And me 109 k s for that matter :rolleyes:
rebel8303 said:
I choose axis just to be in a fw 190 (or even a bf109 but still prefer the fw)
I'd choose the axis only for a spitfire ride or a swordfish which in my opinion is lovely.
we DO have a representative of the axis here :shock: he's there! Look! the messerschmitt man! here1!! aaaaaaaa :)
Crazy said:
Currently I'd like to fly for the RAF. Cool planes (except that damnable Lancaster) It would be an exotic experience for me. Defending the homeland by fighting off wave after wave of German planes in the Battle of Britain, advancing boldly into France over the brave British troops in D-Day, advancing menacingly into Southern Germany, cursing High Command for ordering us to stop just short of Berlin, ignoring orders and attacking a fuel depot with my spitfire in central Berlin, only to have my engine shot through and catch fire, crash-landing in front of Hitler's secret bunker, but smelling roast chicken nearby and forgetting der Fuhrer entirely, I fight through hordes of SS soldiers to reach a messhouse, where i confiscate all the chicken from a terrified cook, and make my way to a nearby airbase, where I hotwire and hijack a Ta-152 and fly back to my airfield. I'm celebrated as a hero in Britain for stealing the Fuhrer's own chicken, one of the most highly sought-after prizes of the war. Now knighted Sir Crazy, I travel the world with my companion, an illustrious writer by the name of 'Asparagus' Robert Whitney the XXXVII.
You're...crazy! :shock: I love you!!!1 :D I'm coming with you. You even like pink floyd

Ahhh, to be an RAF pilot
plan_D said:
American pilots? I'm sorry I forgot that the 7 Americans in the Battle of Britain saved Britain from certain destruction by the Luftwaffe. Maybe I got it all wrong, the R.A.F were poor only due to America were they made to look good... :bad-words:
You too :oops: :p :idea: :twisted: :!:
Chocks away! said:
cheddar cheese said:
I wouldnt say the 262 was one of the best fighters, planes like the 190D and Ta-152H would have beem much better for the germans at the end of the war.
ermm... why? I mean the whole point of having a jet that is superior to everything else is... to use it! Otherwise they would have produced lots of fw 190s like you said. And me 109 k s for that matter :rolleyes:

Well for instance, the resourses used to produce 1000 262's could have made 2000 190D's....And having double the number of well-developed Doras is far better than half the numbers of under developed 262's...

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