You can use Liquin when airbrushing as well. It can help to get rid of orange peel. The paint will very slowly run smooth over several hours. You can try stand oil as well. Both lengthen the drying time so I always add Rustin's Driers.
Thanks antoni, all info is welcome. I've only ever really used Humbrol paints as they are all that anyone seems to sell around here so I thought that I'd try the WEM paint after reading about it somewhere. I'd like to build two identical Luftwaffe aircraft and paint one in WEM and one in Humbrol just to see how much of a difference there is.
Haven't checked back here for a while! Thought I should clarify the thinning with cellulose thinners. I don't store thinned paint but rather thin it and use it. Maybe I've just been lucky but I've never had any problem using the WEM paints this way and haven't noticed any deterioration on models completed some time ago. White spirit does work fine too,just seems to take longer to dry. I know some people concoct contraptions with light bulbs etc to speed drying times but that is something I have always been wary of. As my Grandma used to say "you can't rush a good cake"!!!
Happy modelling
Missed this thread, I'm a WEM fan! I started using them for my russian builds, they do all the VVS colours. I thin the paint with Rustin's Cellulose Thinners, no issues so far.