Who was the RAF top scoring Mustang ace? (1 Viewer)

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Flt Officer Warren Peglar, RCAF, shot down two pairs in two separate combats while my father was leading the 354FS/355thFG. Shown on wingof P-51B WR-Q that he was flying on August 3, 1944 - shooting down a Bf 109 and Fw 190. On September 11 he was leading a 354FS Flight when he downed two more Bf 109s. He was recognized as an 8th AF ace with four air and oe ground. Shown talking to my father.

Peglar had more than 300 mission sorties in Spit IX and Tempest, destroying three more on the groud in Tempest, but as never able to engage a German fighter before or after serving in dad's squadron as an Exchange pilot. My father remained friends with Peglar until he passed and I maintained contact until Peglar passed. A fine man and warrior. His attitude was "Spit for sheer love of flying, Mustang for killing'.


  • 354 Peglar (RCAF) and Marshall_aug 44 [marshall].JPG
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Hey Bill, wasn't WR-Q Spencer's ride?
Dave, IIRC Peglar was never 'assigned' a permanent ride. He also flew WR-W and WR-E and probably several others. As you know the Squadron Ops (Lenfest when Peglar assigned to 354FS) put the pilots on the Board and the Engineering Officer assigned ships -to which the flight and element leaders most often had a specific ship/CC, but one might be 'down' so a different ship as assigned.

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