Why bacon is the most important food that has ever existed...

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Anyone else noticed that all the ads at the bottom of the page are all bacon related? Or is it just me?

Yep Big Brother is watching and probably enjoying this

Even by the time he had 105 bacon strips it was more a burger of bacon with a beef topping... with 1050 strips of bacon it's just a bacon tower wearing a bun some beef, and vegetable matter
I don't feed any "people food" to my cats, with the exception of Momiche.
She is allowed little tidbits of beef or chicken on rare occasions, but a while back, I realized I hadn't ever shared a piece of bacon with her.

So for the heck of it, I got my camera and then gave her a bit of bacon from my BBQ'd Chicken/bacon sandwich.

She popped the bacon in her mouth, closed her eyes and chewed slowly...after a moment, she opened her eyes and had this amazed look on her face - I said "Welcome to the world of meat candy, little girl!" and she has been a serious fan ever since.

This was the look on her face:

1 - No. Just no.
2 - 3 in the morning, after coffee, life is good.
4 - 5 after a few beers, got stuff on the BBQ, talking to friends, etc...it's all good.
6 - This is after an all night binge at the watering hole...I'm hungry, I don't care what it looks like, I want it and I will eat it.

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