Why bacon is the most important food that has ever existed...

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Even by the time he had 105 bacon strips it was more a burger of bacon with a beef topping... with 1050 strips of bacon it's just a bacon tower wearing a bun some beef, and vegetable matter
I don't feed any "people food" to my cats, with the exception of Momiche.
She is allowed little tidbits of beef or chicken on rare occasions, but a while back, I realized I hadn't ever shared a piece of bacon with her.

So for the heck of it, I got my camera and then gave her a bit of bacon from my BBQ'd Chicken/bacon sandwich.

She popped the bacon in her mouth, closed her eyes and chewed slowly...after a moment, she opened her eyes and had this amazed look on her face - I said "Welcome to the world of meat candy, little girl!" and she has been a serious fan ever since.

This was the look on her face:

1 - No. Just no.
2 - 3 in the morning, after coffee, life is good.
4 - 5 after a few beers, got stuff on the BBQ, talking to friends, etc...it's all good.
6 - This is after an all night binge at the watering hole...I'm hungry, I don't care what it looks like, I want it and I will eat it.

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