Why bacon is the most important food that has ever existed...

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What I was thinking of was this type of thing - this one has a scallop in the centre of each bacon wrap but you get the idea. Even works great with Bluff oysters tho I haven't seen any of them for at least 20 years.

Hmmm, Intriguing. With scallops? mmmm...
At a recent family get together this past weekend, my 27 year old daughter criticised my eating bacon if the mornings as bad for me. When I pointed out I still adhered to the basic four food groups, beans, bacon, lard and sugar, she nearly had a fit. She is becoming so much like her mother.
It's not just for breakfast anymore.
I present this thread the Bacon award, first class!

And now, for the evening's entertainment!

BTW, the singer in that commercial is Marc Martel. He's the guy whose voice they used to layer with (enhance) Freddie Mercury's vocals, and to record new tracks when they didn't have anything good enough to work with, in the "BoRhap"movie. His voice is so identical to Freddie Mercury's that he's fooled Roger Taylor on a few occasions.

Happy bacon-ing!


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