Why Chocolate is The Most Important Foods/Deserts Ever

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I don't know anything about that health food crap. What I do know
is back in the mid-1960s I could run down to Steve's News Stand
(a great little store for kids in the 60s) and buy a good sized Hershey
chocolate bar for $0.05. Good old Russell Stevenson would sell
you six candy bars for a quarter if you had one. Steve's had magazines,
models, records, comic books and candy bars. At that time (about 10 yrs.
old) I don't remember needing anything else. Oh, yes, he had a pop
machine also. 10 cents each. Man, I miss those days.
There are of course some differences in the taste of British chocolate/ American chocolate and others.
Honestly, I figure thumbs up/down could easily replace or be replaced with the agree/disagree icon, the dumb, and old icons; the informative icon could easily replace the useful icon as it's kind of the same thing; and I figure the bacon & winner icons could just be replaced with a bacon medal
I eat some chocolate every day usually before bed with a glass of milk cause Momma raised me that way and I am 57 now.I think it had something with Mom and Dad grew up in the depression nothing wasted and "my kids will not go to bed hungry"
Chocolate is even more important than bacon. Which reminds me, why don't we have a chocolate icon to award when we like a post?
Because, as nice as Chololate is, nothing compares to Bacon.

Besides, a chocolate icon would be a little tricky to make - since there could be a little confusion with an already existing (and somewhat popular) icon:
Meh, I can do without chocolate. Especially the crap stuff like Hershey's chocolate.

If I eat chocolate, only the good stuff like Lindt and Rittersport. Lindt is by far the best though.

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