Why the ads?

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Humm... it seems that a few adverts can stay shown even we are rigistered. I can't see tham at all. It is possible because I have the Adblock Plus and the list installed. As a result my Mozilla Firefox doesn't displayed them.
Anyway....Gents.... I recommend the soft installation. It is not too large file and after installing it is integrated with a net browser as its plugin or extension. When installed the source file ( installator ) can be deleted.
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I don't have any more ads!!!!!!!!!!

I use Firefox, googled "firefoxadblockers" and I got a site with two I downloaded, end of irritation!
Judging by your posts here , everybody here has more than one net browser installed. I don't think it is a good idea because it might cause problems many people complain everyday. It is just enough to use one of net browser and set it properly.
maybe right there Wojtek, have always just used IE only since my Daughter installed Chrome that i thought i'd give it a go today since trying the adblocker, have now set it as my default browser and once the wife moves her favorites over to it i may get rid of IE !
I understand that Karl. I have the IE installed here as well. But I don't use it at all. So I have removed all its icons from the desktop, tool bar etc...
Have to ask though...

Why is it that the members of the forum, have to do the changes, on their computers, if it is the website and not those that runs it, adjusting the site itself?
Because of the agreement between Administrators and the server owner or the software provider. This is quite common if you want something for free you have to agree for some of advertisement. For instance if you set a free e-mail account you might be asked for agreement of sending some of advertising to you by the supplier of a such e-mail accounts. Those commercial e-mail accounts are free of adverts because you have to pay for them. Just roll my log and I'll roll yours.
That I understand my friend, I was thinking of the ads in the posts, that has never been there before...
Why is it that we, have to do the changes, to get rid of something that never appeared earlier...

The other ads I'm perfectly fine with, running a website is far from cheap...
As far as these adverts appearing or disappearing are concerned... in my humble opinion it is because of updatings to the Windows and net browsers and other software that need to be updating all time. Just the update process might restore a few basic settings for the suff. For instance you have the Adblock Plus installed. It is installed as a plugin and extension. The Mozilla Firefox updater downloaded new supplements to it and installed them refreshing all default settings of the net browser. There wasn't set the additional soft like the Adblock or the plugin installation was deactivated. As a result the process of the blocking advertisement was stopped and adverts appear again. Sometimes you might be asked for rebooting of the system but it is usually done when you switching on yor computer the next day.
Just wondering my dear friend, why it's up to us and not the website, only because this is the only forum where I'm a member, where it's happening...

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