Will be in Europe for 3 weeks this Summer

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Evan, it was some exhibit at a museum in London!

And I didn't get the soldier to fidget, I didn't try because his job is already tough and boring so I figured I wouldn't try and make it anymore annoying than it had to be... Had some good lines prepped
Good picks Harrison. I hope this sparked your interest in Europe and someday you get to visit many other places such as Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, etc. So much history and great things to see and do.

Cherish your experiences. So many Americans don't get to get see some of the things you did (let alone most of our own country).
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For sure, definitely want to visit... Well everywhere in Europe! Beautiful areas, lots of history , and for te most part people are way more friendly than in US!
If I still lived in Germany, I would offer for you to come over and visit. You would not have needed a hotel.

I did visit Meersburg right over Swiss border and just that area was absolutely stunning. Have some great pictures for you guys when I get it sorted out

My only two bad experiences were a drunk guy at a supermarket in Zurich just started looking at me in line like up and down and I could pick out a few select curses but I hadn't said a word to him and was talking to my girlfriend in line and he just started getting louder and a police officer happened to e there and took the man outside and I never saw him again

Then that lady on the tube in London who accused myself and two other men of trying to steal her stuff
Thanks...flight back was a bit rough...then there was a burning smell emanating throughout the cabin which caused people to get a little nervous...but flight attendants assured us it was nothing to worry about.
Good to know you've had a great time over our end of the World H, and that you got back OK.
BTW, that burning smell was probably just from the boiler room ...............

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