Will Philadelphia ever win?

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
Will Philly ever win anything?

Flyers in last place in the league.
Sixers lost out on the playoffs again.
Phillies start 3 and eight - worst start in 20 years.
and as for the Eagles......
Brian Dawkins may soon retire.
McNabb may soon follow or fade away.

We have the losingest team ever in the Phillies and its been since 1983 for a championship of any kind.
Are we the next BoSox?
Will Philly ever win anything?

Flyers in last place in the league.
Sixers lost out on the playoffs again.
Phillies start 3 and eight - worst start in 20 years.
and as for the Eagles......
Brian Dawkins may soon retire.
McNabb may soon follow or fade away.

We have the losingest team ever in the Phillies and its been since 1983 for a championship of any kind.
Are we the next BoSox?

No. You're the next Chicago Cubs.
Well I can only speak for the 2 sports up there that I enjoy watching and that is the NHL and NFL.

Flyers forget it, didnt make the playoff eithers. Think they got sweeped by my team Pittsburgh.

Eagles will never make it back to the big one atleast not in the future. Hell my Niners have a better chance I think.
Keep in mind that between 1976 and 1983, the Flyers, Phils and Sixers all won the "Big Game".

That being said, in answer to your question Njaco, Nah. They suck. The Phils are doing the usual gig. They'll get hot in mid-season, fade in August and pick up speed again in September to end the season 2-5 games back. Eagles will lose all the game in November. They always do. Sixers? Two words, Billie King. As long as Ed Snyder is in charge, Billie King stays and the Sixers are going to be wanna-be's.

Flyers? Who cares. Hockey is dying.
Sorry bud, typical Philly Fan. "You suck" is our credo. One of the few towns I have ever been in that actually looks forward to booing somebody. The story (and I'm sure everyone has heard it) about Philly Fans throwing snow balls at Santa is something of a legend around here. There were maybe 30K in the stands when it happened and yet you ask people and they either say they were there or know somebody that was there. If you ever added it up, there were something like 500,000 people there that day.

In truth, everybody says Santa had it coming. He was dead drunk, wobbling drunk and didn't give a hoot about the fans. Might've flipped them off (but that is local lore). I have heard (and this I believe) that little old ladies were throwing snowballs at him (this is back when little old ladies actually went to Eagles games).
Oh I know, endured it for 30 + years. But it looked like things were getting better at least we could compete, but what happen'?

I really don't care about the Santa thing except that I get alttle prideful that we're known as the toughest fans even to the players. I can live with that.

Eagles were the saving grace the past few years but I'm afraid even that mmay be overdone. :cry:

Hey we still ggot the Wings and the Soul!!!!
Oh I know, endured it for 30 + years. But it looked like things were getting better at least we could compete, but what happen'?

I really don't care about the Santa thing except that I get alttle prideful that we're known as the toughest fans even to the players. I can live with that.

Eagles were the saving grace the past few years but I'm afraid even that mmay be overdone. :cry:

Hey we still ggot the Wings and the Soul!!!!

Yeah, that's it. Wings and Soul. Dumped my tickets to the Wings. Games were ok but I just kinda lost interest. The Soul? Need a break from the NFL. Get it in the spring. Gives me time to get pumped.

Look at the good side, the Birds, though not very good, look a lot better than anyone else in the division. Odds are even they win the division.

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