wingnutz's finished projects...

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Hey Folks,

F-86F Sabre Blue Diamonds pix here...

My first build for 2008 and another PAF bird. This Sabre is my rendition of the PAF's Blue Diamonds Aerobatics team. This type was flown by the PAF from 1957-1962, with as much as a 16 plane formation.

This particular unit is preserved at Basa Air Base, Pampanga, Philippines.

Painting was done with Gunze acrylics, decals and stencils were home made, weathering with oil wash and the tires and radar nose with a permanent marker.

It's basically an OOB project with most of the work done on fitting the nose intake parts with puttying and sanding.

This kit was an easier build compared to my other Heller Sabre build, which required re-scribing panel lines. If you're keen on this build, there's a Fujimi 2-in-1 kit out there that even has the actual PAF Blue Diamonds decals.

Hope you folks like it.

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