Wings over Wairarapa Air Festival

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi Guys,

Last weekend was the Wings over Wairarapa Air Festival, an airshow held in New Zealand. Unfortunately the event was hampered by bad weather and ended up being curtailed, but not cancelled, which was a testament to the team's organisation. It's been tough for these guys, for three years running now, the event has faced cancellation and postponement, but there was at least one day's flying this year, following Saturday being cancelled. Sunday's weather started overcast but without the rain and strong winds that resulted in the cancellation of the day before. Based at the airfield where it was held is The Vintage Aviator Ltd (TVAL), film director Peter Jackson's Great War aircraft collection, which, given the bad weather I spent a lot of time with over the weekend since I was working at the show. Firstly, some static aircraft.

Made in New Zealand, Pac Aero FBA-2C3 light aircraft.


Made in New Zealand again, Pac Aero Superpac XSTOL.






TVAL bought its aircraft out and was going to fly them, but the wind was considered too strong. Hanriot HD-1.


US-built DH-4.


Bristol F.2B, one of several "original" airframes, whose structure comprises refurbished wartime frames and not built from scratch. It is also powered by an original wartime Rolls-Royce Falcon engine.




Sopwith Camel, another original airframe restored to flying condition. Powered by an original Gnome Le Rhone.


Sopwith Snipe.


Sopwith Tripe...


Fokker Dr I reproduction built for the feature film "The Blue Max".


Sopwith Pup.


B.E.2f, another original airframe reconstructed, fitted with a wartime RAF.1A engine.


Albatros D Va, powered by an original Benz engine.


Fokker E III Eindekker was making its airshow debut this weekend. I interviewed its pilot since he had nothing better to do!


More to come.
Airside show action. As I've previously posted, the ex-RNZAF FG-1D Corsair made its airshow debut at WoW following a hiatus from the airshow circuit. Here are pictures from its first public display with the world's most recently rated Corsair pilot at the helm.







The Pac Aero Superpac XSTOL did a great short field demonstration. This aircraft is based on the humble Fletcher Fu-24 top dressing aeroplane designed by John Thorp and put into production in New Zealand. With a PT-6 turbine up front it has impressive short field capability and can carry passengers, freight and parachutists, for which its predecessor the Pac 750 XL is currently used in numbers in New Zealand.






Venom departure.


The air force contribution was curtailed due to the weather, but the Heritage Flight, comprising T-6 Texan IIs and a locally based Spitfire performed a routine.



Spitfire solo display. The aircraft is in the markings of New Zealand fighter ace Wg Cdr Alan Deere's aircraft and was restored by and is owned by his nephew Brendon Deere.





The Black Falcons RNZAF aerobatic display team break.



More coming...
Avro Anson I. One of only three Ansons airworthy.








Locally based Tiger Moths.


Good to see working aircraft doing displays, an Air Tractor top dresser.





The owner of this Spitfire TR.IX announced his retirement from flying and this was his last display in his aircraft.




The Roaring Forties Harvard display team, named after strong winds that rip through this part of the country. These are all ex-RNZAF privately owned aircraft.




More to come.
Last lot. Ex-RNZAF BAC Strikemaster.






Harvards getting airborne for the finale.







The star of the show leading the Roaring Forties.





Finally, a very cool Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost owned by TVAL.


More images here:

Thanks for looking.

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