Calling the luftwaffe an "Ill-prepared force" is daunting.................BTW, I'd have to tell you that it's not the planes' problem (nor fault) that their designers don't know what they will be expected to do with two or three years of advance because noone told them about it. The Bf109E had a limited range because noone expected it to be escorting bombers to strategic objectives. The Ju88/He111/Do17 (excellent planes for their time, otherwise) were designed to serve tactical purposes of ground support for the benefit of the Heer, not to conduct deep strikes into the heartland of Britain (something that never was put in their specifications). Those planes were designed for a certain set of roles, which they did accomplish brilliantly. It doesn't mean they sucked or were bad because they failed to perform better when they were asked to do things that they were NEVER intended to do in the first place.
Do you see how you contradicted yourself in the same post?
So, Zoomar was right then. They WERE ill-prepared for the task at hand......according to you.