Would like to introduce myself.

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20th factory

Feb 16, 2023

My name is Luke, 35 years old and an LAE in real life.
Additionally, im with 20th Factory Models, and i scratchbuild 20th scale models. The intention is to post the progress and result of these models for you all to enjoy, learn and use as inspiration.
Hopefully to start a bigger dialogue on, and a sharing, of scratchbuilding techniques.
This is the firrst community i choose to post at because a lot of the information i used came from this forum.

Since the current orientation aims at Japanese ww2 aircraft a special shoutout to Shinpachi who beautifull renderings and drawings if been following for the last few years!

As a starter, ill be posting a progress report about this (first) model on a separate thread.

Thanks and best regards,

See you soon,

Welcome to the site. Greetings from Poland.

Looking forward to the thread and others. Well done so far !!!
Hi and welcome. Aint that a thing you are brewing. Nice. Hope to see you building here in progress. Till then.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

I was wondering how do i nudge to Mr Shinpachi? Is this a feature on the forum? or should i make a seperate post??
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

I was wondering how do i nudge to Mr Shinpachi? Is this a feature on the forum? or should i make a seperate post??
I think if you hit the "@" key and Shinpachi together in a conversation, or anyone for that matter, he'll get a notification he was mentioned in a thread.
Or just click the Members option at the top bar and type his nick in the Find Member line on the left of the page. If the tab is not seen please scroll the screen a little bit down. Then , on the next page find and use the "Start conversation " button. The same button you may find if you move the coursor over sombody's nick,avatar on the left of each post in the pop-up tab. This is for sending of a private message. If you want to send someting publicly you may create your own thread or just post in an already existed thread using the form of mentioned above the text (nick) with the "@" sign in front of. It should catch the requested member's eye as he will be noticed about this action with an alert on the forum top bar on right.
Warm welcome from Luke and greetings from down under, the land or Roos and Drop Bears. Love your work and looking forward to seeing lots more.

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