WW 2 Axis Color !

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Bill yes the TA 152H green 4 is a poser. after war and after war colours, back east actually if you are talking about that a/c ?

Yep - but I missed the Ta 152 part. I am still looking for a pic of the 190D that dad got some time in at Gablingen. I have pics of the two seat 109 and two seat fw 190 that were at gablingen but not the D.

I talked to one of the crew chiefs that remembers the airplane but wasn't sure it was a 190D or a Ta 152.
I agree with Wayne great pics here.THX TT.

And here a couple of pics I found somewhere in Internet.


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Drgondog, are you referring to the Fw 190D-9 on page 1 or the Ta 152H-1 on page 3?
Both shots are post war, the D-9 I don't know where, but the Ta 152 photo was taken at Wright's Field in 1945.
From 'German Aircraft Interiors 1939-1945', by Kenneth A. Merrick:

'The Ta 152H-0, believed to be 150010 CW+CJ Green 4, flown by Ofw. Walter Loos formerly of Stab/ JG301..'(claimed post war to be 150003, though no evidence exists to support this) '...was captured intact by British forces at Tirstrup, Denmark before being handed over to Col.watson for transfer to the United States'

He mentions it was later re-numbered FE-112, and now resides at NASM. He also mentions the photo was taken at Wright Field in October 1945.
Nice pics Wurger!


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Yes , you are right Evan it is two seater.Good sight,I haven't paid my attention to that earlier.
Here. SOurce unknown, I also have a book WWII in color has some nice pictures


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