WW2 American war cemeteries

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Alex Smart

Airman 1st Class
Oct 25, 2018
Are there any American War Cemeteries in India, Burma and other far east countries apart from the Philippines?
If not what became of those service personnel that were killed or died in those countries?
According to the American Battle Monuments Commission web site - Cemeteries & Memorials | American Battle Monuments Commission - the only Asiatic American cemeteries are in New Zealand, Northern Mariana Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and the Republic of Korea.

My guess is that any US KIA/died from the CBI were returned to the US for burial.

There was a massive repatriation of remains from overseas to the US after WW2. Families were given the option of having their departed buried in a US cemetery overseas or brought home for burial at the family's choice of location. I worked for the Mississippi Archives and one of our collections was all of the paperwork that accompanied the deceased to their state-side burial site.

Thank you Jim,
I did think that could be the case. But it is a bit of a headache when researching an airman because if say you have the name, Unit, date of death and country the death occurred it still leaves a problem finding his final place of Burial. As said if the loss occurred in India (and what is now Pakistan) ,Burma and those far Eastern countries he could be in the USA, or any of the ABMC cemeteries that you mention, which means that searching takes longer and frustrating at times.
Many thanks for your response.
Thank you Jim, I do use "findagrave" but sometimes it gives dozens of options, where if the Burial Ground was known it would be easier. Still mustn't grumble, at least the info is out there .
Keep safe

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