WW2 Fleet Air Arm Camouflage

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Nov 16, 2008
Probably posted somewhere but I need to confirm the camo colours for WW2 FAA aircraft. I'm thinking of the grey/green wave pattern scheme with light grey undersides.

I believe I've fixed on the grey to be "Extra Dark Sea Grey" with equivalent number FS36118 but the olive colour eludes me as does the light grey underside.

If anyone has paint suggestions or FS numbers for these, I'd appreciate it.

Both Terry and I have between us built a few FAA planes, and the colours are (well this is what I used):

Dark Sea Gray (Model Master)
Dark Slate Gray (MM)
Sky (Tamiya)

None of them have FS numbers that I know of, as I tried to help Karl find them but couldn't.
As memo serves the FAA planes were painted with Dark Slate Grey / Extra Dark Sea Grey on upper surfaces and Sky on undersides.These new colors became standard in March of 1941.

Dark Slate Gray - FS 34096
Extra Dark Sea Gray - FS 36099
Sky type S - FS 34424

Here the US equivalents....

Extra Dark Sea Gray - ANA 603 Sea Gray - FS 36118
Dark Slate Gray - ANA 613 Olive Drab - FS 34130
Sky - ANA 610 Sky - FS 34424
Nice work Wojtek!
The only thing you need to watch out for is US aircraft in FAA service. Some of these were delivered in 'equivalent colours', where, for instance DuPont paints were used, and a nearest equivalent was substituted, example Sky Grey for Sky etc. Also, this could differ depending on the factory producing them with, for example, Avengers displaying two different paint schemes, depending whether Grumman or General Motors produced. However, the difference was minimal and, in model form, hardly noticeable. Add to this fading and weathering after long periods at sea, and the 'standard' colours can be used acceptably.
Not really my thing but didn't the temperate sea scheme change,some time in 1944,to Extra Dark Sea Grey upper surfaces over White lower surfaces (demarcation as per pattern 1)?
I have heard mixed statements about this paint scheme, but this one is an FM-2 Martlett.
Everyone, thank-you for the quick responses. Exaclty what I was looking for!

And Terry.I had nothing to do with the Martlet picture, honest!
Don't know why they've done that. EDSG and DSG look like this. The US equivalents were not that far away!

Or this (on the Walrus not the elephant)

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Yeah, I've always looked at that Wildcat and shook my head. Here are some pictures, most of you will have seen them before.


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The moral is that restorations are 1:1 models. Some are very accurate and others less so, just like mine lol. It's the owner's airplane and I guess he/she can paint it how he likes.
Got to agree! Fine if you want to paint your warbird Barbie Pink - it's your kite, your cash, so do what you want! But if you're going to have it in what's supposed to be a camouflage scheme, for ^%$3 sake get it right !!

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