WWI Aces Flying WWII Planes (2 Viewers)

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Sep 25, 2024
Hello everyone!
When I think of an ace from the First World War who flew planes in the Second World War, I only think in Ernst Udet.
Were there any others?
It must have been a real shock, going from a plane that barely reached 200km/h to one that exceeded 500km/h.
Hello everyone!
When I think of an ace from the First World War who flew planes in the Second World War, I only think in Ernst Udet.
Were there any others?
It must have been a real shock, going from a plane that barely reached 200km/h to one that exceeded 500km/h.
Sous-Lieutenant Maurice Arnoux : 5 victories during WW1.
Commandant in 1940, died on june 6, 1940 when his MS 406 confronted 7 Me 109s and was shot down.

Sergent André Dubonnet : 6 victories. A well off heir of the Dubonnet aperitive company, and also known as a flamboyant car racer, inventor and sportman.
As a Lieutenant, he flew MS 406 in june in 1940 with Groupe de Chasse GC I/2.
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