Yak 11 colour schemes

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Southern Cross

Mar 3, 2008

I am a new forumite. I have briefly used the search function but was unable to find what I was looking for.

I own a Let C.11 serial 171312 registered G-BTZE which is currently being restored to full flying condition.

I am now wanting to finalise a colour scheme for the 11. As a former Czech Airforce machine, my preference is a genuine Czech scheme for a C.11, however the standard schemes, so far as I know, were either all-over grey/blue or all over grey, with Czech roundels in either case. Whilst authentic, neither scheme is particularly attractive.

Does anyone have any pictures or graphics for any genuine Czech C.11 service camouflage schemes that they would be willing to post here or email to me?

If not, my 2nd port of call will be any genuine Czech Yak or Lavochkin camoufalge schemes.

Lastly, any genuine VVS Yak 11 schemes.

For any of the above, I am going to need some kind of historical evidence to present to the UK CAA to justify the aircraft flying in the colour scheme without needing to exhibit UK registration markings, so some publication or photos of some description would be really helpful.

I hope someone out there can help or point me in the right direction.

Best regards
Southern Cross.
Unfortunently like you Southern Cross all I could find are ones like this one. Which is what you describe and not very colorful.


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Hallo SC,

Yak 11s didn't have very attrctive camo,I'm afraid.According to my infos all Yak11 planes both these produced in USRR and these assembled in Czech were painted with the light grey paint FS 16165.It seems that the colour wasn't of good quality and changed its tonality due to weather conditions time of usage etc... Of course there were some exceptions ,for instance there were some Yaks olive-green painted in former East Germany ( DDR ) and probably in Poland.This was caused by re-painting after their services.Unfortunately almost all Yak11s that we can see during airshows are painted incorrectly.

There is another example of C-11 used by CAF.As you can see the camo is the same like in the Micdrow's profile.The difference between them are the fuselage markings.In the one uploaded by me the kind of marking was used in early period of usage.This in Micdrow's one was used later.

Source unknown.


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I've found this link when was looking for something else on YAK-11 (C-11).I think you can find some infos on post-war painting of the bird.

Modeling the VVS: The Yak-11, Post War Colours

And in addition some colour profiles of Yak-11 in standard camo from Poland, USSR and DDR ( East Germany).

Source unknown.


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Dear All

Many thanks for your inputs and suggestions. It is interesting the see the differences in markings for the original Czech training schemes. Do you know what the main fuselage markings related to so that I could try and ascertain what mine ought to be if I relent and go for authenticity? And does anyone know where I might be able to find out what the full suite of markings for the original grey-blue Czech scheme would be?

Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions and comments.

Best regards

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