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That AC-130 targetting video was suh-weet. I just love it when they're shooting up the tunnel entrance and "Oh, he's crawling" and then everything just around him explodes. Brilliant machine the Spectre.
Great an opportunity to post some of my AC-130 Pictures that I have without feeling guilty that I am off-topic. I may be but only slightly as the topic is after all about aircraft gunships.


  • ac-47_gunship___ac-130u_spooky.jpeg
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  • ac-130_fixed_wing_gunship_deploys_flares.jpeg
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  • ac-119_shadow___stinger_fixed_wing_gunship_real.jpeg
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In the last one, why have you called it AC-47 Gunship_AC-130U Spooky?

AC-47 Spooky_AC-130U Spectre (Or U-Boat) would be better...just being picky.
The AC-130U has two names, I think it might refer to a particular weapons layout the difference between a Spooky and a Spectre. All I know is the website I found it on called it a Spooky and so that is what I have decided to call it. Ok, that is the lot of the photos I have of the AC-130 Gunship.

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