Yeewwww!!! So excited!

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uhh snafud think you should change the avatar before flyboy J gets wind

don't ask why

Here I is! Sorry was busy teaching the short bus kids where the <SHIFT> key and period are located.

Ohhhh... flyboy... yooohooo


  • Shut the eff up 2.gif
    562.8 KB · Views: 87
Nice work Crunch

Reminds me of an article in Modelart a few years back. Bloke gets the airfix beasty and gives it the full interior job and other mods just as the Italeri one is released. Talk about bad timing
Ah yeah, I still haven't got pics up of this yet... I'm putting off starting this one and fining all sorts of excuses, I want to get it right...

I've got a few weeks off work coming up, so I'll probably do it then..

But I WILL get some pics up soon ;P

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