Jun 11, 2009 #21 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,502 2,565 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! : Crunch, I want your autograph!!!!
Jun 11, 2009 #22 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 96 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State fly boy said: uhh snafud think you should change the avatar before flyboy J gets wind don't ask why Click to expand... Here I is! Sorry was busy teaching the short bus kids where the <SHIFT> key and period are located. Ohhhh... flyboy... yooohooo Attachments Shut the eff up 2.gif 562.8 KB · Views: 92
fly boy said: uhh snafud think you should change the avatar before flyboy J gets wind don't ask why Click to expand... Here I is! Sorry was busy teaching the short bus kids where the <SHIFT> key and period are located. Ohhhh... flyboy... yooohooo
Jun 11, 2009 #23 Catch22 Major 9,551 82 Jun 13, 2007 Edmonton, Alberta www.coryulmer.com Quite alright Matt, you can't be nailing people everywhere at once!
Jun 11, 2009 #24 109ROAMING 2nd Lieutenant 5,971 5 May 25, 2008 New Zealand Love the cartoon work Crunch!
Jun 19, 2009 #25 GrauGeist Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung 29,058 24,257 Aug 29, 2008 Redding, California www.netallurgy.com Crunch said: Couldn't get the video footage, something about sending it off to the producers of "worlds wildest retail moments number 873". I dunno So I constructed a factual diagrammatic recollection. Click to expand... Classic!!
Crunch said: Couldn't get the video footage, something about sending it off to the producers of "worlds wildest retail moments number 873". I dunno So I constructed a factual diagrammatic recollection. Click to expand... Classic!!
Jun 19, 2009 #26 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,268 12,951 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK Love it Crunch! And Matt, you're breaking me up!
Jun 20, 2009 Thread starter #27 C Crunch Senior Airman 364 0 Sep 5, 2008 Central Coast, NSW, Australia Haha... I've been meaning to get some pics up of the kit but haven't got around to it....
Jul 7, 2009 #28 Heinz Captain 7,686 18 Feb 6, 2007 Melbourne, Victoria Nice work Crunch Reminds me of an article in Modelart a few years back. Bloke gets the airfix beasty and gives it the full interior job and other mods just as the Italeri one is released. Talk about bad timing
Nice work Crunch Reminds me of an article in Modelart a few years back. Bloke gets the airfix beasty and gives it the full interior job and other mods just as the Italeri one is released. Talk about bad timing
Jul 8, 2009 Thread starter #29 C Crunch Senior Airman 364 0 Sep 5, 2008 Central Coast, NSW, Australia Ah yeah, I still haven't got pics up of this yet... I'm putting off starting this one and fining all sorts of excuses, I want to get it right... I've got a few weeks off work coming up, so I'll probably do it then.. But I WILL get some pics up soon ;P
Ah yeah, I still haven't got pics up of this yet... I'm putting off starting this one and fining all sorts of excuses, I want to get it right... I've got a few weeks off work coming up, so I'll probably do it then.. But I WILL get some pics up soon ;P