Yokohama Kokutai, present location

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Senior Airman
Nov 15, 2006
East end
The Yokohama Koku-Tai (Hama-Ku) was established on 1st Oct. 1936 as a flying boat unit at its new base located in southern end of Yokohama city. Also located to the north of the koku-tai was Dai Nippon Koku's international airport (flying boat base, today the location of swimming pool facility).

The Hama-Ku was totally wiped out at Tsulagi/Guadalcanal when the US forces attacked and landed there. The unit was re-established in Japan for a seaplane training unit and the name was changed to 801 Koku-Tai (Hachi-maru-ichi-Ku) dated 1st Nov. 1942.

Today, a part former Hama-Ku facility is used as a local police vehicle depot and the western half of it has been utilized as Nippi's main factory. The famous Yokosuka Koku-Tai was located a few miles to the south of the Hama-Ku which presently occupied by the huge Nissan factory. To further south are the Yokosuka Naval Bases.


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