Your best war movie/tv series

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ANZACS was excellent, however the DVD set I own is just terrible. Another good Aussie mini series worth getting on DVD is "The Cowra Breakout" obviously about the imfamous Cowra PoW camp breakout and mass slaughter of Japanese Pow's.
As for war movies, one of my all time favourites is "Too Late The Hero" Love it! Anyone else here seen it?
'Allo 'Allo's pretty good

Lanc I agree. saw the stage play of Allo Allo in Brisbane. Was just after Gordon Kaye was injured in a freak car accident in England and they replaced him for the Play for short time with Max Gillies. But it was still great stage play regardless. Mimi le Bonk Madam Edith le Clerk Officer Cabtree who could not speak proper French Michelle/ And listen carefuly i will say this only once came a catch cry or the bimbers are pissing over the town. But in the series where Gruber asked if Renee and his brother were from Nancy. Renee repiled yes they were a couple of Nancy Boys. What a laugh that program was. For our American friends who might not understand the reference to Nancy Boy the terms is to refer to some one who is efiminate or gay. But Lanc my favourite was It Ain't Half Hot Mum that was funny set in India during WW2 Royal Artillery Concert Party. Windsor Davis mate played the perfect part as the sadistic Sgt Major Shut Up. One thing i will give to you poms you do make excellant comedy series for television
Band of Brothers, like others have said, is awesome! If you havent seen it Emac, trust me mate, go borrow it from the video shop. Tora Tora Tora is a great movie, as is Patton. Also Kakoda, a great war film which is actualy kinda scary at the same time!
Got an old Audie Murphy movie on vhs To Hell and Back his own story starring himself. And that old Bogey movie Sahara had to be remaded to insult the intelligence of a whole new movie going audience from Allied Countries
I see lots of votes for "Das Boot", though technically superb most of its dramatic
devices are lifted directly from "The Enemy below",(Also a fine flick.). Like playing a phonograph, a rabid(nazi) party fanatic, and a crewman succombing to
the pressure of depth charge attack.
Also don't forget U-571 and Enigma which are both great war films. War Of the Worlds, the Steven Speilburg remake may be Sci-Fi but it does have some great combat scenes. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is an interesting movie that focuses on the French vs the English Battles. Horatio Hornblower is also interesting in this respect. Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped focuses on the time of the American Civil War.

Sorry Devo but Kidnapped was set around 1745- 1746 after the 2nd Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland the American Civil war began in 1861 with the firing on Fort Sumter until Lee surrended at Appomattax ( not sure if that is correct spelling )Court House in 1865
I agree with Wild and Steve U-571 left a lot to be desired but if it wasn't for the reality of the original Enigma machine patterns and codes being smuggled out of Poland in 1939 to England and later the English capturing German Naval incoding machines as well and the work at Bechly Park by code breakers and scienctists which some of this work was handed straight to the Americans. One wonders if the US could have broken the Japanese encrypted codes prior to the US joining in WW2. By the way some of the encrypted Japanese Codes were being broken by Australian Code Breakers here in Australia as well. Something MacArthur decided to down play as he wanted to be Prima Donna in the South Pacific
Okay, wrong war. Also Lord of the Rings trilogy has some excellent scenes of Medieval Combat... The Battle of Helms Deep and a few other battles... There is also some good combat scenes in BraveHeart...

The great thing about Das Boot is that it was written by a U-Boot crew member from WW2. It is not a true story but based off of real life events that he had witnessed.

It is the closest you can get to the real deal. To make the film they built a U-Boot exact to scale. The actors were actually locked inside the submarine and some of them were clostrophobic which made the acting so much more realistic. It is the best sub movie ever made.

As for U-571 which someone mentioned above. It is plain crap! Completely unrealistic and "hollywoodifeid" and unfortunaly 100,000 thousands of people now think that is how the enigma was captured.

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