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Senior Airman
Dec 19, 2007
right behind you
ok guys i don't know if this has been done before but anyway i want to know how you guys choose your display name i'll start with mine ScOoTeR1992 the Scooter part i got is my nick name because i would sit still in grade 7 and 1992 is my birth year p.s i hope this stays active for a while this could get interesting
I agree with Roman entirely.But there is a small correction to that.According to our wives, they aren't getting older contrary to us....:lol: :lol:
"Captain Dunsel" has multiple meanings.

First off, yes, it's from the Star Trek episode, where "dunsel" is Starfleet Academy slang for a part with no useful purpose.

As to how it applies to me, though:

One, I retired from the USAF as a Captain. 8)

Second, I was a weather guy (Air Weather Service), so some zoomies would consider me to be useless..

Third, I'm looking at retiring from my current job as the sole computer tech in a small, public school district. That'll also make me useless to the district, although my wife does have a lot of plans for us after that.

The name doesn't ring a bell, but can you tell me when he went to Chanute and what bases he was at when?

Quickly, I was as follows:

Lackluster, TX 75
Chanute, IL 75
Griffiss, NY 75-78
St. Louis U., MO 78-80
Barksdale, LA 80-81
Elmendorf, AK 81-84
St. Louis U., MO 84-85
McGuire, NJ 85-89 (Did a lot of travelling to all the MAC bases on the East Coast during my McGuire time)
Kapaun/Ramstein, GE 89-92
Offutt, NE 92-94


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