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Great comparison and you hit it right on the head!!!davparlr said:Wow. With a GE404 engine, Gripen is more in the league of the F-20. I can see why a plane that small would be a tough dogfighter. Also, I see why its use is somewhat limited.
Agree!! And unless another air force has a similar requirement, they ain't selling very many....pbfoot said:The Gripen was designed for the defence of Sweden it does'nt have to go very far and would be basically a Air defence weapon its not really an offensive threat buts its STOL characteristics and its ability to deploy locally easily make it ideal for Sweden
ozumn said:the few times that i been on exercises when the f16 was the dogfight oponent the f16 sisnt stand a chance it was clear victory all the time.
And the PW-100-220 puts out over 10,000 pounds more thrust in afterburner - plus the F-16 has almost a 2 to 1 thrust to weight ratio over the Gripen....ozumn said:The Volvo Aero Corporation RM12 is a modular, fuel efficient, low bypass ratio afterburning turbofan in the 80 KN (18,000lb) thrust class. It is based on the General Electric F-404-400 which has attained several million flight hours in operations world wide - with several enhancements incorporated by Volvo including increased thrust and bird strike resistance.
Agree - and I think our young friend here is somewhat clouded in what the Gripen could do outside the Sweedish military requirement. The Swedes build great hardware but they usualy have a specific purpose as shown here....the lancaster kicks *** said:Sweeden design a lot fo their own equiptment for their own use, and most of their kit is indended to fight a defensive war defending Sweeden's varying terrain, take the S-tank for example, designed by Sweeden for Sweeden it's so perfect for Sweeden no one else wants it, the SAABs are mostly the same, they're perfect for what Sweeden will be doing and for them that's all that matters..........
Simply - drop a lot of bombs and stay in the air longer. The Gripen is a better interceptor and dogfighter in my opinion....ozumn said:so what can the F16 do that the Gripen cant?
Yep - they they have procured SwEdish aircraft....plan_D said:The only other nation I can think of that's in the same kind of situation and would benefit from Swedish doctrine, and equipment, would be Finland.
Yea, Saab will sell a "few."ozumn said:well 3 countries have it besides Sweden, and more will buy it