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  • Hi Terry,

    I hope I'm not a bother lol but, for the B-17 I got a bit done and am wondering if it is a good idea or not to cover the bombsight with some kind of material since it will be a static display. If so how could I make something, blanket or whatever to cover it?
    Thanks mate!

    Will have to try a bit cause I want to get the Do-217 off the bench, so much space!

    Do you how to take out the needle or is it different for all brushes?

    Thanks again!
    Hey T,

    Again with the airbrush, it sprays Isopropyl alcohol but when I put acrylics in it just won't spray :( any ideas ?

    Thanks so much,

    Yes I mean dispersal and track, just generalizing with runway. I'm sure the dimensions of the track and loop are wrong in scale of the plane I drew but it was just for a mental thought. We can roughly work out the correct dimensions later so I can cut out the base size of particle board then work down to the track and loop sizes where I can mark that off then do the grass and such around it. I promise i'll make this dio!
    Thank you mate, very much appreciated. Thinking about your inch dimensions.. there's got to be a way to cut that down!

    Ok, so the B24 has a tractor which I guess 'tows' the lib, so maybe it would be possible to have most of the dio be a straight runway with a starting angle loop to show that it would be continued off of the base. Grass and such on each side, figures, tada! - Posting a paint picture in the thread.. give me a min
    Thanks very much!

    I tried it on my Stuka as I still await replacement parts... may just order Vacuform.

    I did some staining under the 20mm and some exhaust staining :D

    Happy New Year!! H
    Hey Terry,

    Quick two questions, on te B-17 do you know what color seat belts were?

    and two

    How do you go about weathering? I would like to e VERY subtle on my Do-217 once my dammed RLM 70 arrives and I can finish her up.

    Thanks so much!

    Oh my god! :lol: I mean I thought 2-3 hours at my workbench was a lot! After that statement I can see you Terry saying "Psh Amateurs!" :lol:
    Question on the avenger.. would the area between the pilot and co-pilots seat be interior green? The instructions didn't specify.. its the rectangle raised area around the whole cockpit.

    Thanks, C
    Would you consider an Avenger a "heavy hitter"? Doing the 1/72 and I really need to get back in the action!
    I'll give it a try... I tried 7 PSI and thinned paint and it did splatter, just slowly being pushed out of the airbrush. Not satisfactory at all! I want to use enamels but the fumes!! Water clean up and no stench is a plus for building in my um room!
    Speaking of mottle.. I am ready with the new airbrush. Whats the suggested PSI and thin ratio for acrylic? Ive heard 5-7 and very thin but also 10-15 and a 1:1.
    Hey T, am building academys 1/72 Bf109g-6 and it says to use RLM 76 (light blue) but my site says RLM 76 is a light gray. I have a light gray and a light blue to use, which is the correct color for this model?

    Thanks, COrey
    my is tonk i live in australia ive got a billy cart that my father built in 1980 that i am rebuilding for my son it is built out of belly tanks but i dont know which ones thay are it will reach speeds up to 100mpa+ if any one is interested please get back to me, cheers tonk. im not sure how to attach a jpeg pic
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