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  • Hi,I have been looking thru all the various Group Build threads and I am confused.
    When do the current GB's finish? When do the next ones start and what are they?
    Brian, Thank you for taking the time to bring this to my attention. I fully understand how you must feel. Having met a few people in my time who have, for example, purported to be members of my former Regiment, I'm sure you will understand that this does not pass lightly when known to be false.
    I appreciate your concerns and distress over this incident, but must clarify that, although I have 'known' Dan via this forum for some 18 months, I am not conversant with his past and, being British, and meaning no disrespect, have little knowledge of the courageous actions of U.S. airmen in the Pacific War, in the same way I wouldn't expect Americans to have detailed knowledge of British airmen in the European War.
    I know little of the details of what has transpired, and therefore can only wait to see what, if anything, develops. I find it sad that a man has to hide behind fantasy and falsehoods, for whatever reasons .
    Kind Regards,
    Terence Fox.
    I want you to know that your "friend" LesofPrimus is a liar about who his grandfather is. I know this because I really am (one) of his grandsons, and his lies have been brought up to the owner of this website. William "Bill" Case was a humble, honest man with honor and integrity that this poser-wanna-be could never understand. Although he was a flying ace, you would have never known it if you knew the man; it was certainly not what defined him. While I do not want to belittle any of his enthusiasm of vintage military aircraft and modeling, his need to feel important by impersonating (a criminal act) a Case family member is deplorable.
    Brian Donivan
    Hiya AF. I am wanting to get some clear paint. I have used Humbrol matt on an F4F and need to use clear for decals, then matt to finish. Which paints would be best? On MM I'm getting Alclad, should I gloss clear over the decals I use? cheers, Bill
    I saw the life jacket chord on the bottom of the jacket but the rest of it kind of blended into the jacket. So I didn't know what was yellow and what was brown.
    Thanks for everything mate.. I know i've buggered you in the past for info and never came through (B17).. but this time held true!
    The one I have a model of has the herring bone antenna on the nose. Tamiya has it painted completely black but if there is an alternative, I'll try that. Thanks buddy.. :)
    Hello Airframes, I will be working on a mossie night fighter, an early version that Tamiya makes, and was wondering if you had some pictures handy? I've read some of your other posts about mossies being dirty but I've never seen what a dirty mossie looks like. If there are any books available, could you please point me in the right direction? Thanks.
    I didn't want to hijack the thread so I decided to IM you instead. You posted pictures of your B26 and were talking about the heavy weathering on it. I believe that this is how I need to weather Old 666. Can I ask you how you achieved the final result?
    I come back for infinite wisdom.. I am asking for your estimated size of a base for the B24 to accomodate the 12.5 inch track and some area around for clump and details. My mom said she'll cut up some of the board this weekend and I havent a clue on what dimensions I would pick..

    Thanks, C
    Tell that to me, sunshine state and we've had cold fronts and raging winds..!

    I got the last two and it is all uniform now.. Happy judging.
    I ran out and grabbed what sun I could.. as it jumped between clouds. Let me know if it's sound enough for judging.
    Mateeeeeeeeee look at Preddy's P-51 :lol: I am so proud of the paint so far...and incase your wondering I haven't slept for 2 days haha and been working on the stang.
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