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  • Hmm.. Like little paint dots that are on the edges of the main area being painted. I oculd see people having splotch when they do mottle because the paint tends to jump a little..
    I decided to try some freehand airbrush on the P40. Is it natural for the edges to be soft and have a tad bit of 'splotch' as it can't be a defined line like with masking tape? A few feet away the camo looks natural but I wasn't sure if the splotch is there for every modeler or it's bad execution..

    Thanks Terry hope you had fun.

    I'm looking for a trouble free build....:lol:

    I think I'll get ICM or Revell. Appreciate it!

    Far as i know, the Revell P51B is the Monogram kit, which has both canopies, although moulded closed. Built a few of these, and it's nice, even if old.
    The Tamiya P51D is excellent, and their P51B is too. BUT, the ICM P51B is a clone of the Tamiya, with lots of extra bits, and a lot cheaper. It's the one I used for my D day GB build. It needs a bit more care, but is , overall, a nice kit.
    If you need a Malcolm hood, I think I've got one, maybe two, spare.
    Cheers, gong to bed now, as in a bit of pain after walking arund in the cold at the airfield today. Plus, it's 03:24 and I'm b*lloxed anyway!
    Hi Terry,

    I have a question

    Since graduation is coming up I'm allowed to get a few models...Since I'm doing the 352nd FG I'm getting P-51's.

    I can either get 1 Tamiya P-51B and a Revell P-51D


    2 Revell P-51B's (No malcom hoods) and a P-51D..

    Which is better:confused:

    The havoc, on the spine I will be putting in a clear piece as some sort of hatch or window. In the pics you can see where it will be, when I put it in will I be painting over it with the stripe colors?

    Hi T....

    Is the Kursk build still going? I just started a thread and I don't see anyone else in it....hmmm
    Ahh yes....last week I got home at 3 in the morning after being out with friends..

    Busy week for me..... In Connecticut at my cousins this weekend

    In Washington D.C. this WHOLE week

    and next weekend an airshow with Njaco and ToughOmbre (3 days long!)
    Yes this helps, and if I understand correctly I wouldn't be horrably wrong by keeping the red prop. Thanks for the info you're the best.
    Terry, I have a quick question for you about the Typhoon. When did they switch over to the 4 blade prop? Also I might have scewed up on mine. I painted the spinner red as per the directions. Something is telling me this is incorrect.


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