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  • If you ever need to know anything about the Fernnachtjager for a modelling project, give me a shout.. :D Or anything else for that matter..
    Looking good Harrison. Just remember no matter what you are doing take your time. I look forward to seeing more work from you
    You too pal! There's more videos for that kinda stuff when get to the link for the YouTube one....
    It's a bit long-winded to explain, so I'll post a PDF on brush painting, which includes dry-brush techniques.
    Hey! You're not a bother at all buddy, far from it! Was just about to log off and hit the sack when I saw your message.... I hope that this will answer your question harrison...

    Drybrushing by Steve Bamford

    Take care and all the best to the rest of the family!
    Just noticed your message! I'd been visiting a friend 'up in the hills', and had a quick check of the forum before going to bed!
    It was a bit of a late night for me!!
    I am going to go to soccer practice than dinner, I am not sure if you'll be one later, or if I'll even be on. If I don't talk to you have a nice night and a good day tomorrow.
    Thanks for your help Harrison. Trying to find other profiles as well you know, to get a bit of selection. :lol:

    Well, that's me off to work!

    Later duder! :thumbright:
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