Hi guys, im the vice chairman of Brenzett Air Museum and am looking to set up a Cockpitfest on their old airbase, Would anyone be interested? Postcode is TN290EE between Ashford and Rye. Having never been to cockpitfest I wonder if anyone would be able to advise what we would need there? We are...
Various articles or pilots test flight notes state various different aircraft have them like the J2M Ki-44 N1K1 and Ki-43 does anyone know what degree they are deployed and what speeds? References would be awesome if you have them.
Thanks in advance
Somewhere I saw a thread about the Ha-23 engine (Kasei 23) but I can't seem to locate it even doing the advance search grrrr someone happen to know where it is :)
Howdo guys,
Just put some Future/Klear on a window and its dried terrible and need to remove this stuff!
What's the best way to completely remove this stuff please ?
Did read somewhere how to remove it but alas I can't find it.
Thanks in advance.
I am looking to get some Vampire Manuals. I have a variety of PN but am looking for erection and maintenance or repair manuals, tech orders, whatever may help in the restoration of a Vampire. Preferably the Aussie Mks but any will help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi everybody.
can anybody help me with identification of that aircraft part in the following pictures? I would like to know what exactly it is and from which aircraft it comes from. It probably was found in the czech republic some years ago. Many thanks in advance! Regards, Kurtl
Hi guys,
Was wondering if any one has seen or purchased this series of books. Are they any good or worth the money? As I am thinking of getting a set.
Luftwaffe Aces | Product Tags | Wing Leader
Many thanks in advance Paul
Morning guys,
Well this summer my Grandfather passed away and going through his things we found this. Not exactly sure what its for or the emblem represents. He was in the Navy during WWII but don't know much more about the emblem.
Thanks in advance Paul