
  1. Dronescapes

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress
  2. norge0209

    895th Chemical Company - Seeking Info

    Hi, I am trying to determine if my grandfather flew in airplanes during WWII. (I know he was not a pilot.) There’s a disagreement in my family over whether my grandfather simply stocked planes with napalm or was actually in the planes. Here’s what I know: My grandfather, Bernard J Hurley, was...
  3. Clave

    Sikorsky CH-54

    The Sikorsky CH-54 was a large heavy lift helicopter introduced in 1962 for the US Army as a ‘sky crane’ for moving heavy loads in difficult terrain. The CH-54 was capable of carrying modular troop accommodation units, and other bulky cargo up to 20,000 lb (9.000 Kg) The CH-54 was developed...
  4. F

    Ww2 B-17 or B-24, B-25 aircraft propeller blade

    Hi, I'm a fan of WW2 US Army Air Corps memorabilia. I'm also an US Army active duty officer stationed in Virginia. I'm interested in finding a propeller blade of a B-17, B-24 or B-25 for design purposes. Also, I'm seeking anyone that have memorabilia from the Army Air Corps. This is my hobby...
  5. greybeard

    IJAAF fighter gun convergence

    Hi all! I was unable so far to find anything about gun harmonization figures in use for Army fighters. I wonder if someone has and can post here relevant data. Any kind of fighter/weapon would be welcomed. Cheers, GB
  6. v2

    Behind Enemy Lines.

    For years, American soldiers had heard about the courageous fight the Polish underground was waging against Nazi invaders in their native land. The stories became legend. But the fact that a highly organized Polish army battled daily at the back of the Wehrmacht never really crystallized, never...
  7. gjs238

    Equipment left behind at Battle of Dunkirk

    What became of the equipment left behind at the Battle of Dunkirk? Did the Germans use it? Did it end up being used by German allies? According to Wikipedia: The loss of materiel on the beaches was huge. The British Army left enough equipment...
  8. Marcel

    New military museum at Soesterberg airbase

    Lately the dutch MLM (airforce museum) and Army army museum were merged and got a brand new location at the former airbase Soesterberg. It's become a beautiful museum. Pictures below are by me, taken on May 4th:
  9. syscom3

    So you want to be a door gunner on a huey?

    Official US Army training flick. View:
  10. gjs238

    OV-1 Mohawk Can anyone shed a little more light on this aircraft? Did the US Army fly these? - I thought it was forbidden from flying fixed wing aircraft. Did this aircraft overlap with the OV-10 Bronco? - Both operated in Desert Strom 1 - Both have been...
  11. Snautzer01

    Vultee YA-19

    Vultee YA-19 during Test Flight for U.S. Army
  12. Vincenzo

    January 1931: Regio Esercito you run the show

    Following the tomo pauk example as better prepared the italian army (Regio Esercito, royal army) to 1940 war? weapons and organization. all need for a good result more efficiency in the italian side (this is unrealistic with the fascist regime but this is a virtual world) I start with my...
  13. tomo pauk

    January 1936: British army, you run the show

    Simiar with current aviation-related threads - what should be the best, but historically plausible outfit to choose for the upcoming years for the British army? Thinking about tanks, artillery, small arm, AAA.
  14. gjs238

    Jimmy Doolittle and the Doolittle Board

    Can anyone shed light on the "Doolittle Board?" All I know is what was on the Jimmy Doolittle Wikipedia page, pasted below. What changes were made? Can anyone opine? Thanks On 27 March 1946 Doolittle was requested by the Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson to head a commission on...
  15. Humvee Avenger Schematic Diagram

    Humvee Avenger Labelled Diagram
  16. Ki-43 "Oscar" Pilot - signed by Yohei Hinoki

  17. Kamikaze Pilot Ki-44 "Tojo" - signed by Kamikaze survivor
  18. Kamikaze Sortie Ki-84 - signed by Satoru Anabuki
  19. Soviet Camel of Russian Revolution

    Red Army Camel (captured from the Whites) skin for Warbirds III by Art Flores. More photos and references here: