Thanks guys!
Having played with the Aires resin set for some time now, I feel fairly confident that I can make it work. So now it's time to commit and start hacking at the kit plastic. The resin cockpit/wheel well tub cannot fit until the molded details on the insides of the fuselage are removed so I'll start there.
I use my Tamiya cutters to remove the bigger protrusions and then a stone grinding head on a Dremel to remove the ribs. Coarse sandpaper is then used to even out the surface.
Ok, that's done. Once I get closer to attaching the resin tub to the fuselage, I may have to thin these areas but we can stop for now.
I also have to remove the main landing gear boxes molded into the upper wings.
Due to the depth of the resin box, I have to perform some thinning of the inner wing surfaces as well grinding down the height of the resin box. So much so that I've broken through the roof of the resin box. Not a big deal here since the main landing gear mounting hole is reinforced by big rib running north/south through the mount.
Repeated iterations of sanding and dry-fitting get me closer to an acceptable fit. The main thing here is to make sure that top and bottom wing halves close naturally without having the resin box increase the depth of the wing, which would result in a step at the wing root when the wings are attached to the fuselage.
I also have to check to see if the wheel wells are oriented correctly within the wheel well opening and that the landing gear mounting holes are clear of the opening edges.
Removals at the wing root of the fuselage are also necessary to allow the new boxes to fit unimpeded.
You can see that my removals have poked through the surface of the wing root, I need to make sure this area is reinforced before any glue hits this area. Note the sink mark caused by the big mounting tab on other side, There are a few of these that need to be addressed.
Slipping the wings onto the fuselage shows me that the new wheel boxes have been accommodated. That's one piece of the puzzle. The big cockpit/wheel well tub assembly is the bigger piece and I'll have to tackle that carefully.
I can't make an accurate assessment of the fit with the resin pieces sliding around. So I need to connect some parts together. The tub and rear bulkhead is a smooth butt joint and can't be held together with Blu-Tack or tape. So I am going to temporarily glue them together with white glue. We'll let that dry before we continue.