Senior Master Sergeant
I think it is time to queue up my next large scale project. I want to get out of the 109/190 groove and try something different (for me anyway) and I've settled on a Luftwaffe jet fighter, the Me 262. My subject will be this aircraft...
Lots of cool visual features on this aircraft.... the hard mottle on the tail... the blue and white checkers... the yellow numerals... the bold skull badge... so the painting and markings should be fun to do. Here is a profile by Tom Tullis that shows what the entire plane may have looked like...
I'll be using the Trumpeter Me 262 A-1a (Heavy Armament) kit.
The following aftermarket add-ons have been purchased for this build:
Aires Me 262 Resin Cockpit and Wheel Bay set
Barracuda 262 Resin Main Wheels and Nose Wheel
HGW Seat Belts
Montex Super Masks
I'm still in the painting stages of the 1/48 Hien build so I'm not sure when this one starts. But before I start cutting sprue, I'd like to take a look at the kit contents and the aftermarket stuff too. Visualizing the build components helps the gears in my head to start turning, identifying potential trouble spots and highlighting options and possibilities.
Lots of cool visual features on this aircraft.... the hard mottle on the tail... the blue and white checkers... the yellow numerals... the bold skull badge... so the painting and markings should be fun to do. Here is a profile by Tom Tullis that shows what the entire plane may have looked like...
I'll be using the Trumpeter Me 262 A-1a (Heavy Armament) kit.
The following aftermarket add-ons have been purchased for this build:
Aires Me 262 Resin Cockpit and Wheel Bay set
Barracuda 262 Resin Main Wheels and Nose Wheel
HGW Seat Belts
Montex Super Masks
I'm still in the painting stages of the 1/48 Hien build so I'm not sure when this one starts. But before I start cutting sprue, I'd like to take a look at the kit contents and the aftermarket stuff too. Visualizing the build components helps the gears in my head to start turning, identifying potential trouble spots and highlighting options and possibilities.