1/32 Vought F4U-1A Corsair Bubbletop.

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Many thanks for stopping by to check me out gents and thanks for the nice comments.

Cockpit innards are all finished and were all sealed up nice an snug with all the outer fuselage parts checked and fitted.

The next part of this build is the engine which has a good bit of detail. I've been splashing paint on the exhaust parts which comprise of 27 pieces and as you can see, these ones that I've fitted are nice and shiny. Not for long though, I'll be adding heat and scorch markings soon and I've yet to decide if I'll leave an engine cowl open.

I decided last night to have a go at putting in spark plugs and as Andy had suggested, I cut up a pile of small tube, created a bed for the tube to sit on and started sticking in the tube which you can see in the first comparison pic.

It is my intention to also stick a piece of wire down the tube and use this as a fastening for the ignition leads as shown in this next pic along with the remaining bits of tube yet to be placed.

I think a couple of delicate days work is ahead of me.
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