1/48 A6M2 type 21 Zero Hasegawa (little chain manufacturing) (1 Viewer)

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Some of what's seen there looks like bare aluminum tubing for hydraulics or pneumatics, not wiring.
Beautiful work. I don't know which one you're going with but the details are great. Back when I built models, this was the stuff I had left over.

Thank you for the comments :)
The cockpit Hasegawa is in his fuselage (Ota's mount). I cut out the rudder, I plugged the hole for the entenna mast and I drilled the MGs

Next step: dong the same with CMK cockpit in the other model (Sakai's mount)

I refined the the back edge of engine cowling and cut the ailerons for only one build... Not for the both => too much work !!! :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes:
I'll try to open the engine cowling flaps but I'm afraid the result looks weird... :rolleyes:
Next step: work on the ailerons: delete the flettner and rebuild the fabric shape :oops: if the result does not convince me, I think to take the ailerons from the Tamiya kit and make a molding :rolleyes:

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